What You Need to Know About Your Heater’s Thermostat

At Amarillo Air Conditioning, we have an approach to heating repair in Amarillo, TX that includes all essential parts, including your heater’s thermostat. Keep reading to discover some of the important things you’ll need to know about your heater’s thermostat.
It’s the Heart of Your Heater
The thermostat is an essential part of your heating system. It’s what tells your system when to operate and when to turn off. This is a very important function since a system that runs too much will waste energy and leave you with a home that’s too warm. On the other hand, your home could end up too cold if your thermostat isn’t responsive to temperature changes.
Know the Signs of Thermostat Problems
Heating maintenance should definitely extend to your heater’s thermostat. This includes checking to see if cycles are kicking in at your preferred temperature setting. It’s equally important to reach out to us if you are noticing signs of thermostat problems. Some of these include:
- Temperature inconsistencies
- Failure to trigger cycles as expected
- Lack of response when adjustments are made
Updating Your Thermostat Can Save You Money
Even if you’re not yet ready for a new heating installation or replacement, updating your thermostat can be a great way to save money! Newer programmable models allow for very precise control of your home’s temperature. Some WiFi-based models will even learn your comfort preferences and make automatic adjustments.
Let Our Comfort Pros Help
As for how to set your heater’s thermostat, the Department of Energy recommends 68 degrees in winter and 78 degrees in the summer during waking hours. If you are noticing any issues with your thermostat or other heating system parts, Amarillo Air Conditioning is here to help.
Call us today to learn more about our full range of heating services.
CONTACT Amarillo Air Conditioning, Inc.
100% Satisfaction
Our installation technicians are the best in skill, attitude and workmanship. They will care for your home and complete the job with speed and precision. They will not wear shoes on your carpets. They will clean up when they are finished and take personal responsibility for your satisfaction. They will not smoke or swear in your home and they are drug-free. If, when they have finished in your home, they have not performed in accordance with these high standards, we won't consider the job done until you are satisfied with the results.